About Design Space

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Birmingham, United Kingdom
Design Space is a programme supported by the Birmingham City Council and the European Regional Development Fund that gives a select group of emerging jewellery artists free studio space and business classes for one year: in exchange, the participants must commit to work at least 30 hours a week developing their own design led business. This year Design Space supports eighteen designer-makers, with participants from the United Kingdom, Taiwan, and the United States. The programme is highly sought after, and the eighteen participants were chosen from a large pool of applicants who were interviewed over the summer. Visiting the Design Space studio is highly recommended: enjoy a cup of tea while getting a rare behind-the-scenes look at every stage of jewellery production. The display cabinets in the front room showcase the jewellery collections of all eighteen participants, while the adjacent studio gives you a unique opportunity to see these highly skilled makers at work. To arrange a visit, please contact Katherine Campbell-Legg or Kerry O’Connor: 0121 551 9071 or design_space@hotmail.co.uk

27 April 2011

British Craft Trade Fair

The Design Space Jewellers are pleased to report that we had a successful and rewarding time at the recent Harrogate exhibition. After an intense build up in the work shop it was also nice to have a change of scenery together, we mixed business with pleasure and had a lot of laughs followed by a trip to the Yorkshire Sculpture park on the way home.

This was not entirely recreational however, as Design Space Jeweller Kayleigh Biggs currently has an impressive display of her work at this incredible venue and a number of others were approached at BCTF to exhibit in there Christmas showcase, so this can definitely be classed as a spot of research. www.ysp.co.uk 

Awards were also scooped at the fair with Jemma Daniels being highly commended by The British Jewellers' Association in their Award for Excellence in Jewellery, for her collection entitled Reflections of Movement. A number of previous Design Spacers also won awards this year including Anna Calvert, who received Best Newcomer, sponsored by Craft & Design Magazine. www.annacalvert.co.uk  

All in all we had a great time.